
When I met my husband I had never had a cat. I walked into his apartment, I realized very quickly I have an allergen to those adorable 4 legged friends. Even though this is true I ended up with my first love, my very own kitten from birth, QT. She was my everything for 7 years. I vowed to never have another cat. In 2013, a year later, I receive a text from I my hubby stating he found a very unique kitten. He said someone had posted him on craigslist; he had one green eye & a blue eye, he was white with just a smudge of light brown on the top of his head. We pull up & standing there was a child & her mother. The mom proceeds to say that after her daughter visited her father and she returned with an unexpected package. Mom says their adult cat was not getting along with this pitiful kitten and all it does is cry (which later we find out he was hungry). I couldn't help but fall in love. We went to PetSmart. and placed him behind the third-row seating while we went shopping for kitten necessities. When we returned, he was not there; found him under the dashboard behind the steering wheel. Therefore, his name became Dash. He has been the most exceptional cat; he is beyond the most affectionate & gentle cat there could be. When my husband had major surgery April 2019 and bedbound for 6 month, he kept telling the doctor all he wanted to do was return home to Dash, so they could lay in bed & snuggle. In 2022 my husband was diagnosed with a rare, fast progressing cancer leaving him bedbound for 8 months to recover from surgery & radiation. Dash laid with him everyday till he recovered.
January 2023 Dash comes in from being outside for about an hour or so, which he has done through his 10 years of life like any other day; yet this time his bottom canine tooth is sticking out over his lip. He had broken his jaw on both sides of the canine tooth, tooth was removed & the jaw would be wired at each break. A feeding tube was placed and he was fed every 4 hours, for 6 weeks & change bandages when needed. This is devastating to my husband & I because we've been through so much, now our precious Dash is hurt and it's going to cost a substantial amount of money we don't have. Thankfully I through an internet search I found Molly's Hope. After completing a quick application they were willing to grant help with the procedure/aftercare of our treasured fur baby Dash. He was exceptionally great during his healing process. Dash would lay there & purr while we tube fed him and changed his bandages. After about 8 weeks his jaw healed amazingly. Most definitely the perfect cat that I could ever ask for. This April my mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer. Until she died in May, who laid in bed with her during her final days, Dash. His continued existence and solace he provides since his recovery wouldn't have been possible without the some ambivalent financial relief that Molly's Hope gave us. We are all grateful because of Molly's Hope we can have many more years with our fur baby Dash.

In July of 2023, Envy's parents contacted us about their dog requiring life saving surgery to remove a mass which was about to burst. Thanks to the kindness of our supporters, we were able to pay towards this emergency surgery and she is recovering comfortably.